Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weighed the truck

I took the truck over to a scale this past saturday to get a baseline, or pre-conversion, weight. The ride itself was a B-I-T-double hockey sticks. The carb is horribly out of tune, so the truck would stall and reluctantly restart at every stop. Very unnerving, even on a sparse saturday morning. One it was up to speed though, it actually did drive like a barely-running 50 year old farm truck.

Passed a cop on the side of the road. I think he envisioned so many violations on my truck that it would put him past his shift ending time, so he didn't come after me. Plus the truck would only do like 35.

The truck weighs a hefty 3350 lbs (with fluids and gas). I had guessed 3250, so I was close, but it is still way over the 2800 shipping weight I had hoped it would somehow magically be. Looks like I will have to pull out all the stops to get the weight out of this thing.

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