I will be on the radio this Friday morning, August 8th!!! Please tune in to 97.7 fm, Mix 97, the Bob Miller morning show. I will be on with Digital Editor Irwin Goldberg, from the Poughkeepsie Journal, to promote the Poughkeepsie Journal Classic Car Blog, which I write. We will have two spots, at 7:35 and 7:50 am. I'm excited, this should be fun.
I took the F100 to the Smokehaus cruise in Hopewell this past Monday. It was pretty good, there was a good selection of cars there. K & k met me there, and we strolled around, and then had an ice cream. Sorry no photos, since it was getting dark.

We finally got the trans heaved back into position, ready to go onto the bellhousing. But it would just not go in the last 1/4". We struggled with it for about an hour, there was no way we wanted to pull it back out. This is a heavy duty truck transmission, it is an IRON CASE 4-speed with the granny low (super low) first gear. This pig must go 200 lbs. It is heavy. It is even heavier over your head. We finally relented and pulled it partially out.

One last fix: The engine had a miss. I found one spark plug was fouled. I made sure the plug wires were engaging properly. No fixey. I put in a new plug, and the miss went away. Ran so much better I had to lower the idle speed a bunch more.
I drove the F100 around today, and it was so nice and quiet! It purrs like a kitten.
I fixed the vacuum leak on EV-Steve's S10 (it was a tricky one), and ordered him all new mirrors.
That's all for now folks, thanks and listen in Friday morning.
photos: radio: artmarket.com; bearing: bestbuyparts.com; retainer: quad4x4.com
If I'm awake and I remember I will be listening. That is pretty exciting, I've never been on the radio before. I think.
Just caught you on the radio - heard both of your "spots". You sounded so relaxed! Great little "interviews" and wonderful publicity for you.
Please remember us "little people" when you become wildly famous.
You're famous! Can I have your autograph?
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