I've got some meaty tech for you today, and it's a lot of work, so let's get right to it.

I received the body mount parts. I gave the bare steel parts a quick spray painting.

I didn't have any 4" wide steel, so I took 2 pieces of 2", and welded them together on both sides to make a 4". This material is 1/8" thick. I happen to have a spare S10 chassis handy to take measurements from, you could just refer to another body mount on the vehicle.

Here's the steel clamped securely onto the drill press. I'm using a 2-1/8" hole saw. Get the best quality hole saw you can. Expensive but worth it. Turn the drill speed down to as slow as it will go. Slower is better. Use a lot of oil and go to it.

Here's the hole, and I have rounded the edges off with a bandsaw and grinder. I have formed the side piece into a matching radius using my ultra-sophisticated garage-support-column tool.
I welded this up with a nice hot weld. I ended up keeping the welds mostly unground because I like the Frankenstein look.

Here, I have marked the piece for an angled cut like the stock mount had. I have it securely clamped into my bandsaw. I had to stop it to reposition the clamps, but the cut came out perfect. Oh, the things I have done with that bandsaw.

Boy, are we to mock-up already? What I have glossed over is the endless fitting, and sneaking up on cuts 1/4" at a time, and fixing tools that break, and waiting for welds to cool, and running to the store for the exact size holesaw, and the metric #12 nuts, and resetting the circuit breaker a dozen times because you have the welder up so high, etc. It took me probably 6-8-10 hours to get to this point.
The remainder of the stock mount was toast, so I ground it all off. I used a floor jack to hold the parts in position and give me a little lift on the body. Looks good, so we'll give it a little zip-zap tack weld and remove the jack.

Here we go, all welded on there nice. I have some inside welds, and some outside welds. I painted it up nice, and then installed the bottom plate and hardware.

I finished the interior by screwing a small aluminum plate over the access hole. I hate to bury things permanently. It's doubtful we'll ever need to get to this again, it's the best part of the truck now, but you never know.
Well that's it. Easy right? Thanks for tuning in, and if your car is coming gbhbghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhbmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmb8
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006 excuse me, my little girl k was helping my there. If your car is coming dismounted, give me a call and we'll get you reconnected. Thanks.
Wow, that looks really good. I'd say it looks perfect.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
I actually have a question for you. There are these three old cars behind my house in the woods. I have some pictures here, would you happen to know how old they are? I took a picture of a pile of, well, lots of stuff, too, in case it offers any clues.
Pile of Stuff
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