Sunday, July 27, 2008

Carburetor clean-out update

I was very disappointed that the truck would not start after my meticulous carburetor clean-out. I began basic troubleshooting and discovered that I had inadvertently broken the positive side coil wire off from it's terminal. Badly crimped wire terminal; how surprising.
A quick strippy-strip, and a crimpy-la-do-da, turn the key, and the the engine roared to life. The carb is really running nice now. It was running so much better that I had to turn the idle way down. See, when an engine begins to have problems, one way to keep it running is to turn up the idle. This merely masks the problems and is not correct.
I drove the truck around for awhile to get a feel for it. I think it needs a new transmission input bearing (not a tough job), and some brake work, since it darts around under braking. But it drives pretty cool. Probably looks cool too. I think I'll take it to some cruise nights soon.


Kieran said...
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Kieran said...

Oh no, you're selling it. I'd be lying if I said I'm not dissapointed, but, you got the truck running, and I'm sure you look pretty cool driving around town.

I really want to see John Adams.....but I don't get HBO, so I'll have to find another way. The trailer looked good.

Unknown said...

A sad, sad, day. Was looking forward to seeing this truck as an EV.