It only took about an hour Monday night to get the garage cleaned out enough for now. I was able to roll the chassis in. I don't know why I feel this is important, since I will probably roll it back out to do the cleaning and painting. There's more room outside, it's easier to clean up after, etc. For one thing I just like having it out of the driveway. I don't want the yard to look like a junkyard, but more importantly I prefer to work out of sight, in secret, sort of. Ain't nobody's business what I'm doin', you know what I mean?

Another option that is nice is I can set up a box fan inside and work out of the summer heat. It actuallys stays pretty cool in there if I keep the door closed. It's not easy working is such tight confines, but I've done it before. A lot of times I have an idea or want to check something late at night, so I can just go downstairs and do it without going outside. I did this very frequently when I was building my last car. Also nice for winter working, or if it rains, obviously.
I have the truck in the other side of the garage, you can see how crowded it is on that side.

I HAVE to roll it out to do almost anything, it is very tight on that side. And yes, I have begun the dreaded "load stuff that you don't know what to do with into the project vehicle itself" deal. Ideally you are not using the project vehicle as a storage area. I will need those big cardboard pieces to put down when I do the chassis cleaning.
Here's a shot of the chassis, showing the factory motor mounts. You can see them with the bolts in them. I will try to make brackets to attach the electric motor to them. They're already there, why not use them?

See the big greasy spot on the left? That's good. Normally I'd say, yuck, you get filthy working around that. But boy does it keep the rust away! Give me an old car that had a major oil leak it's whole life anytime. You get it cleaned off, and it's like brand new metal underneath.
See that hosey-hose poking in on the right side? It's connected to the power steering box. We'll be rid of that soon enough. I'll get you yet, my pretty...and your little hose too!

Mickey approves of the work so far.

Diesel's not so sure.
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